Labour Disputes

Resolving workplace disputes at Equa.

Equa Dispute Resolution Centre is committed to the resolution of labour and HR (human resources) or employment-related disputes through mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. We understand the unique complexities and sensitive nature of these disputes and offer a specialized approach to help parties find effective and fair resolutions.

Mediation is a primary method employed at Equa for resolving labour and HR disputes. Through mediation, a neutral and skilled mediator facilitates constructive discussions between the parties involved. The mediator helps to clarify misunderstandings, address underlying issues, and guide the parties towards mutually acceptable solutions. Mediation promotes open communication, preserves relationships, and empowers the parties to make informed decisions regarding their employment-related disputes.

Equa also offers a range of ADR mechanisms suitable for labour and HR disputes, including arbitration and negotiation. Arbitration provides a more formalized process where an impartial arbitrator or panel renders a binding decision based on the evidence and arguments presented. Negotiation allows parties to engage in direct discussions to reach a mutually agreeable settlement, with the assistance of a neutral third party if desired.

Our experienced mediators and neutrals at Equa have expertise in labour and employment law and understand the complexities of workplace dynamics. They are dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment where all parties can express their concerns and perspectives. Our goal is to facilitate resolution that is fair, efficient, and respectful of the rights and interests of all parties involved.

By choosing Equa as your dispute resolution centre for labour and HR disputes, you can expect a professional, confidential, and neutral process that saves time, money, and the stress associated with traditional litigation. Our focus is on helping parties find practical and mutually beneficial solutions that contribute to a positive working environment and foster long-term workplace relationships.

With Equa, you can be confident in our ability to navigate labour and HR disputes with sensitivity, professionalism, and a commitment to resolving conflicts in a fair and equitable manner.

All of us are aware of the fact that the courts are overburden with the cases. If any disputes regarding employment or any matter relating to labor is filed in the labour court, then it consumes huge time and energy. Even justice can delay at some times. The Equa can assessed the companies in settling their labor law related disputes in a quick and easy manner. It saves you from problems and cost of litigation. The Equa certified neutrals shall decide you disputes according to law. For this, what companies have to do is to just mention Equa arbitration clause in their labour and employment agreements. After this, as and when the disputes arises, it shall be settled through arbitration which shall be carried out virtually on the Equa platform. It is convenient for the employees also as they are saved from spending time and energy in litigation. The Equa certified neutrals are trained professionals who decide the disputes to the process of arbitration according to the law of land and common principles of law.

Types of Disputes