Mention Equa ADR clauses in your service agreements
Mention Equa ADR clauses in your service agreements
Choose Arbitration or Mediation. Disputes are inevitable, you can save your time and money by resolving the issues.
The ADR Clauses for service delivery.
The ADR Clauses for service delivery.
Explore the model ADR clauses for the services you provide.
Legal protection for a beauty product company.
Legal protection for a beauty product company.
A company which provides beauty and wellness services, included the ADR clauses in their agreements for the delivery of services. This added a layer of legal protection to their business.
Employment agreements for BPO.
Employment agreements for BPO.
A BPO service company created employment agreement and included Equa Clauses. Now, the employees has a forum to submit their grievances.
Note: The real identity of above companies is concealed to procure their privacy.