Equa Assurance

Equa, the dispute resolution centre, is committed to providing better dispute resolution services and offers several assurances to ensure a positive experience for all parties involved. Here are the key assurances provided by Equa:

Equa provides assurances of data protection, transparency, privacy, faster resolution, impartiality, trained staff, and a client-centric approach. These assurances are designed to instill confidence in the parties and ensure a fair, efficient, and satisfactory resolution of their disputes.

Equa Guarantee

Clients Protection

Neutrals Protection

Dispute Resolution Rules and Procedures

We are constantly establishing an infrastructure of laws, rules and procedures that are aimed at promoting certainty and consistency and expanding the options available to parties for the resolution of international commercial disputes.

Conventional arbitration process and proceedings can not be the means to an end to find resolutions. Comprehensive stepped and integrated procedures and the choice of most appropriate Neutrals, who handle each process, are the key to success of parties in disputes.

The innovative, flexible and always evolving rules and procedures are the mainstay of Equa. These rules and procedures help disputing parties of various hues to reach a conclusive finality of their disputes with least pain as compared to the traditional procedures adopted by institutions.