Consumer Disputes

Resolving the Consumer Disputes

Equa Dispute Resolution Centre is dedicated to resolving consumer disputes through mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. We understand that consumer disputes can arise in various industries, including retail, services, e-commerce, and more. Our experienced mediators provide a neutral and impartial platform where consumers and businesses can come together to find fair and efficient solutions.

Consumer disputes often involve issues such as faulty products, unsatisfactory services, billing discrepancies, contract disputes, and consumer rights violations. Instead of resorting to costly and time-consuming litigation, mediation and ADR offer a more streamlined and collaborative approach to resolving these disputes.

At Equa, our skilled mediators work closely with both parties to facilitate constructive dialogue and promote understanding. They ensure that each party has the opportunity to express their concerns and interests, fostering an environment of open communication and active listening. By focusing on finding common ground and exploring mutually beneficial solutions, our mediators help parties reach agreements that address their needs and restore satisfaction.

Mediation and ADR provide several benefits for resolving consumer disputes. They allow parties to maintain control over the outcome and avoid adversarial legal proceedings. This approach promotes faster resolution, reduced costs, and preserves relationships between consumers and businesses. Additionally, the confidential nature of the process ensures that sensitive information remains private.

Equa Dispute Resolution Centre's mediators have extensive experience in handling consumer disputes and possess a deep understanding of consumer rights and regulations. They are committed to ensuring a fair and balanced process, where both parties have the opportunity to voice their perspectives and find resolution.

If you are a consumer involved in a dispute with a business, consider the advantages of mediation and ADR at Equa Dispute Resolution Centre. Our skilled mediators are ready to assist you in finding a satisfactory resolution, preserving your rights, and promoting a positive consumer-business relationship.

International Standards Organisation (ISO) adopted an international standard for ODR for commercial transactions and guidelines for development and implementation of code of conduct for ODR for consumers has been set out.

ODR does not take away the powers and jurisdiction of other courts and other tribunals to deal with disputes between private individuals (e.g. personal injury, landlord and tenant, family, or employment law cases) and relating to commercial practices that injure health and safety of consumers and disputes relating to environmental pollution.