Private ADR Courts

Set up your Private ADR Court.

Enjoy full independence for charging the fee for your services, at the same time clients approach you and trust you with Equa.Law.

The Private Court

$200 per year.

Gmail Integration

Google Meet integration

The Private Court +

$500 per year.

Premium Webpage

30GB Space for Data

Peacemaker assistance

24X7 support

Private ADR Courts at Equa

Setting up a private court for dispute resolution is a unique approach where a neutral professional establishes their own independent forum to provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services. Here is a description of the process and benefits of setting up a private court for dispute resolution:

Setting up a private court for dispute resolution provides an alternative avenue for parties seeking efficient and customized resolution of their disputes. It empowers the neutral professional to create a forum that aligns with their vision, expertise, and commitment to providing high-quality and effective dispute resolution services.

Have a look at the ADR Courts.

These courts are run by the ADR professionals independently, yet bound by the Equa Procedural Rules. These courts are available on subdomain,

The access is by a direct link only.

Be an Equa Certified Neutral to enjoy more trust with clients.